Saturday, October 25, 2008

little trick!

If you did not guess the game's name, I'll let you know the little trick: the text color for the question (and game's name) is in white! So many people might have read and thought that gap left was just my mistake! :) Instead, I did so on purpose to see who would find the question. So now that you know, all you gotta do is select the gap area with your mouse and read the question.

Pretty easy, huh? :)

So, now that you know what the question is, have you got any guess for the answer?

Shall I give you a tip? ok, well, I have been to three different places. One of them, where I spent 4 days is one of the busiest cities in the world....


v said...

Where in the world are you? i don't get it. sorry...

beruk-kunyuk said...

great picture n blog...